The Versions of Us by Laura Barnett
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
3 out of 5 stars - It was ok
I read this for the PopSugar 2022 Reading Challenge.
Book Summary:
The Versions of Us is a story about Eva and Jim… and David. The book follows three different storylines from the 1960s until 2014. It’s the question of what would happen if Eva and Jim met on a fateful day, and whether they stayed together or separated shortly after. Version One has Jim and Eva meeting, staying together, and marrying. Version Two has Eva and Jim never meeting, so Eva marries David. Version Three has Eva and Jim meeting, but she leaves him shortly after to go back with David and get married.
This book was a more complicated version of the movie Sliding Doors with Gwyneth Paltrow. I had a lot of trouble keeping track of the three different storylines. I think it might have worked better for me if they’d been in three different fonts or some other way to easily discern which storyline we were in. I eventually resorted to a three-column spreadsheet to track the three stories. By the time I hit about 70%, I no longer needed it but it was helpful in the first half. Another thing that made it complicated to follow was the large jumps in time between story snippets/chapters.
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