Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I'm headed to Michigan this weekend. I want to see the maize and blue lose a terrible loss!! :) It's my birthday, and I demand it of my Hawkeyes. It's my right, right?

Oh, and on the job front, I've had many interviews.... a few 2nd round interviews... 1 "better luck next time".... and 1 "we're still considering you" without an interview yet.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Job hunting

Well, the career fair was last week. Had a few interviews and got asked back to a second round interview for next week. Here's hoping I can find a job before graduation!

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Yes, I've been MIA. Classes started, DZ called with committee things to do, and life crept in! I've been keeping up with the book list, and I have to say I'm amazed at how much easier and faster it is to read a book with the new Kindle! I've always got my book, I never lose my place, and when I finish one, I have another ready to go immediately!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Headed Home...

I think I'm headed home this weekend with a load of stuff. This will mean less boxes, crates, clothes, etc to move when I move for good in 2 weeks. It also gives me a chance to see my sister for a short period of time before she heads back to IN for school.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Moving Prep.... Again

This week, this weekend, and next week will all be filled with re-organaizing the apartment I'm in in MO so that I can figure out how I can get it all back to Ames. We moved down with a single 6x10 UHaul truck and we're hoping to get back with a single 5x8 UHaul trailer. I just hope I can fit the rest of the random crap I've accumulated and brought with me into the 2 vehicles we'll be driving. Time to start packing the clothes I know I won't wear in the next 3 weeks into space bags. Time to start packing dishes into boxes and using paper and plastic stuff. It all has to be done by August 10, because that's when I leave for MN for the Intern Wrap Up. I don't get back to MO until Friday LATE in the evening and I will start moving Saturday when Dad arrives in town. He won't want to wait around for me to finish packing, so I need to have it done.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Moving Stinks

I spent all last weekend packing up boxes and moving furniture out of my apartment in Ames and into a storage unit for the interval between moving out of this apartment and getting into the one I'm living in on campus this fall. As much as I love the fact that I'll be down to only paying one rent each month, it's still tough to drive the 3 hours to Ames, pack and move all weekend, then drive the 3 hours back. All this, while knowing I still have to go back one more time to clean it up. It's a mess, that's for sure. Furniture that hadn't been moved in forever and a day left fuzz balls on the floor. You can see where my computer was based on the mess on the wall where the fan blew dust. It'll take some time, but it'll be good to get out. I'll go back next weekend to do the cleaning and check out. Hopefully that means I'll be getting my deposit back in full and I'll be able to put it toward my savings account.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Ceiling Fans, Books, & TV

My ceiling is back in place. I'm so happy to be sleeping away from the front porch. I now have a ceiling fan in my bedroom and I love it. Having no AC in the bedroom makes the fan that much more enjoyable.

This weekend I plan to clean up a little. When I moved in, some things never made it past the floor in the living room. I'm going to try to put the rest of the stuff away. I also have to vacuum (which is now possible, since I didn't have my vacuum before). The vacuuming is necessary. The window air conditioner blew a whole bunch of black chunks onto the floor the first time I ran it and it's just been sitting there on the floor ever since.

My other goals for the weekend are to finish reading Wicked and finish watching Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. I started watching the whole series from beginning to end a week or so ago. With nothing to do in the evenings I've been watching several each night. I'm into season 5 out of 7. I think I can accomplish both of these goals this weekend, crazy goals though they may be.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Ceiling and such

Well, the ceiling will get fixed this weekend. That's a plus. I actually don't mind sleeping in the living room, but it IS weird sleeping with my bed up against a window that faces the front porch. I was also informed that my rent will be changed for July to reflect this "inconvenience". Double cool, since I'm still paying rent on 2 apartments.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend Disaster

Well, the weekend wasn't really a disaster, but I walked into one when I came home.

I spent the weekend at home with the parents. It was nice to see the puppy and family. Dad's car is nice, and the garage is finally what I would consider clean. Well, clean as can be expected for a garage!

Drove home today, walked in to my apartment and noticed that something didn't seem right. Walked into my bedroom and saw a pile of "stuff" and didn't have a clue what it was. Then realized that the rug was squishy. Yep, you guessed it, the ceiling fell down. The kitchen sink upstairs was leaking and the leak caused my bedroom ceiling to end up on my bedroom floor. It's mostly cleaned up for now. My bed is in the living room. The landlord will come over tomorrow to start repairs.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Conference Realignment

I'm addicted to news stories about the conference realignments happening in the NCAA. Nebraska unofficially to the Big 10, Colorado officially to the Pac 10... The stories just keep coming!

It's official: Pac-10 announces addition of Colorado

More to come, I'm sure!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Last Weekend

So, last Friday I had dinner with my lovely DZ sisters at Buca di Beppo in Kansas City. We had a blast. I had only ever met one of them in person, so it was fun to put faces to names and voices to personalities.

This weekend I'm headed home for "Father's Day" since I have a 3 day weekend. Gotta love those union guys who decide that Flag Day is a good day to get off work.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The week so far

Well, the week started off not great (not awful either though). I arrived at the office to find out that I wasn't paid last week. Something god messed up between my office and payroll. Luckily they cut me a check immediately on Tuesday and it was in my account by Wednesday. I can also now start submitting my receipts for reimbursement. That's a necessary thing to be able to pay off my credit card!

I'm excited about this weekend. I've got dinner plans on Friday with several DZ sisters in Kansas City. I'm looking forward to meeting people I've never met in person and possibly seeing the one I have met once before.

Monday, May 31, 2010

The Weekend

Well, orientation wasn't too bad. The days were a little long, and the tours involved a lot of driving there and back. Met some very nice people. It was also nice that I wasn't the oldest person there and I wasn't the only Hawkeye.

Got quite a few nifty presents. Got a new Ogio backpack, a Columbia jacket, a metal water bottle, and a pen/laser pointer/USB drive.

Spent the weekend at grandma's cabin. Went out on the lake on Sunday to watch sailboat races. Went to the farm Sunday morning to get rocks for landscaping with Dad. It was just nice relaxing time.

Arrived home to find a lei in my mail on my porch. Suzy is pretty awesome!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Intern Orientation

I'm headed up to MN for a day and a half of "intern orientation" with all the other interns in the company. As interesting as I think some things will be, I'm not really looking forward to the forced interaction. I don't mind meeting new people and hanging out, but part of the trip is an "event", which I apparently have no choice in. Rather than sending us to a Twins game or something equally exciting for all involved, we're having "Casino Night". I don't gamble (even fake money, which I'm sure this will be) mainly because I don't enjoy it. I probably don't enjoy it because I'm not all that good at guessing. I can't leave if I get bored, because I don't have my own transportation. We'll see how it goes. At least it's only 1.5 days, rather than a full week or something.

Trying it out...

I'll probably not be very good at keeping this side of the blog up, but the reading page I'm very curious to try to keep up with!