Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Moving Prep.... Again

This week, this weekend, and next week will all be filled with re-organaizing the apartment I'm in in MO so that I can figure out how I can get it all back to Ames. We moved down with a single 6x10 UHaul truck and we're hoping to get back with a single 5x8 UHaul trailer. I just hope I can fit the rest of the random crap I've accumulated and brought with me into the 2 vehicles we'll be driving. Time to start packing the clothes I know I won't wear in the next 3 weeks into space bags. Time to start packing dishes into boxes and using paper and plastic stuff. It all has to be done by August 10, because that's when I leave for MN for the Intern Wrap Up. I don't get back to MO until Friday LATE in the evening and I will start moving Saturday when Dad arrives in town. He won't want to wait around for me to finish packing, so I need to have it done.


  1. so, what dates are you available for some fun?

  2. I can find time for fun! I get off work every day at 4, so I have hours every night to do things to get ready to move. Weekends would probably be best though, since I have to be up and at work by 7 during the week.
